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My Response to the Winners & Telecast

I thought this was a pretty terrific Oscar ceremony!


I hardly got to watch ANY of it during the show, as I was so busy hosting my partyyyyy - we had a pretty elaborate setup this year :) Projector inside, big TV outside amidst our first annual BARBIEcue (though the name is likely to change - let's pray for another title that lends itself to a cookout pun haha) and with the Step & Repeat back there, dining room TV on mute too for adjacent-to-living-room viewing, quiet viewing room in the guest room... people & Oscars everywheeeeeere - it was like I'd died & gone to Oscar heaven. (Pics below)


But I watched it for realz the next day, and I thought it was a great show - Kimmel seems to be at the top of his game.


Various thoughts:


* I'm Just Ken - off the charts good!

* John Cena bit: perfection, just the kind of interstitial fun we need more of (and I'm not just saying that b/c a naked man was on stage)

* John Mulaney, you're insane and I love your commitment to a bit.

* Kate McKinnon is a national treasure (how did she make a "Jurassic Park was a documentary" bit WORK - stunning)

* Some actor presentations better than others... 

* I like the past acting winners honoring this year's slate (like the personal touch, seeing other stars I love, the banquet vibes), but some were WAY better than others (some really were kinda wet blankets), and I hate how that eats away from the CLIPS - at least do a montage of the nominees for even just a minute per category before the presentation...??

* Pacino... oh Pacino... Seems he's past his presenter prime... (sure I gather that the producers chose to not have him name the nominees. But still... "I have to look for the envelope for that... which I will... my eyes see Oppenheimer" - what?! lolllll)


& more on Kimmel:

* Great opening monologue - loved him with Barbie before coming out, but why not extend that?! Maybe go so far as to his own version of the Billy Crystal thing of putting himself in the movies?

* BRAVO with the Trump bit at the end

* Tequila for all - lol, genius

* He's just got exactly the kind of "I've got this under control, but am also having fun with it" vibe that is working more & more. We'll see if he continues.


As for the wins, it was all rather predictable (though Stone did surprise us, even if we know that was a super close race), but still a solid slate of movies and a solid slate of winners - and I think this telecast proved (imho) that the Oscars can be a great time even if most of the categories are pretty sewn up by showtime.


Read more of my thoughts on each of the top categories on each top category page, and...




Happy movie watching, y'all. Here's hoping 2024 is a good slate...





Oscar Winners
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